Introducing the cast of my novel Zamora: #1: Griffin Hail
I decided to introduce you to the cast of my novel Zamora. I have made avatars for almost every character and thought they would be fun...

Journal Like Crazi/ #MentalHealthDay
I'm sorry it's been a while but hay! This is a long one!!!!! And also sorry for it being a little late! :) Hi everyone!! :) So this post...

Snowy Forest an Original Poem
No one can know No one can feel What's going through me And they can say they know And they can say they feel But they don't know what's...

Singing Covers
Here is my Harry Styles cover of Meet Me in the Hallway!! :)

Singing Covers
Today I uploaded a cover I did of Dynamite by Sigrid and Meet Me in the Hallway by Harry Styles. Hope you like them! :) The next post...

Excerpt #2: Your Chains Don't Bind Me Draft One
Hey everyone to day I decided to share the last few scenes that I wrote and I found this picture on google and thought it matched the...

AuthorTube Work In Progress Tag
I was recently tagged to do the Work In Progress tag were I pretty much talk about what i'm currently working on. So here's the video...

Excerpt #1 Your Chains Don't Bind Me: Draft One
Chapter Seven. Wings “Mom…” I say again as she welcomes me with open arms. I hesitate for a moment, unsure if I want to feel her arms...
Excerpt #1 From Zamora
Hello today I decided to share a little bit from my 5th draft that i'm currently working on. And this excerpt is from Chapter One. Enjoy!...

Guest Blogger Mandi Lynn
Hello it's Alyssa. So for this blog post I had asked youtuber and self-published author to talk Mandi Lynn to talk about her experience...