Introducing the cast of my novel Zamora: #1: Griffin Hail
I decided to introduce you to the cast of my novel Zamora. I have made avatars for almost every character and thought they would be fun to share. The first one is my favorite character that I've ever written and one of the main characters throughout The Element Hunter Series. Griffin Hail was born on July 4th 1409 and was born and raised in Wingston, Corinthia in the Maystones Kingdom which is on the east of Corinthia. When the book starts he is 19 years old. Griffin is a Hunter. And he's also a book lover(the whole Hail family loves books).
When he was younger he loved taking care of their farm with his sisters Evalyn and Zamora along with their parents, that is until a plague that is similar to the Black Plague in the 14th centery wipes through his village. His mother Alice Hail ended up catching the Plague prior to when the book starts and she ends up passing away when Griffin was 14 years old. Up until the point where he loses his mother, Griffin used to be the happiest little boy in the village. He loved his family and still does, but he decided to leave his home at the age of 15 years old, exactly a year after his mothers death so that he could find hunting jobs. But as he was searching and taking jobs, he started finding himself in a dark situation and started getting jobs that didn't involve in hunting animals and it didn't involve in staying on the east side of the land. Through the years he started becoming the best assassin and thief that anyone has ever seen/ not seen because he has the quickest feet and is smooth with every action he makes and every kill that he does.
We end up meeting Griffin in the prisons in the kingdom of Inthia and not the kingdom of Maystones because he was exiting the forest on the west side. And no one from the east can go to the west and no one from the west can go to the east. It's against the law, plus he was being chased and hunted by guards on both side. And we meet him when he is trying to decided whether or not he kill himself before the king hangs him the morning after the book starts.
Griffin is a very special character to me because he is the second one that I've ever stuck with. His story is important to me and that is why I am still writing this book. Because I want to make sure that i'm telling his story as well as the other's stories right before I share it with the world. Also Griffin has helped me survive high school and all the hard times. Sometime I ask myself 'what would Griffin tell me?' or 'what would he do in this situation?' and sometimes thinking about what he would do or say or how he would act helps me just to get through the day. Every time I have thought about abandoning the story, he is the one that makes me think twice, because if I abandon the story then I abandon him and all the hard work I put into creating who is and in this story. Griffin Hail is the most real character that I've ever created. And i'm greatfull that I was able to create him. And when my book is finally done at some point in time, I can't wait to share his story. Because in a lot of ways his story, is my story. I think out of all of my characters I put my heart and soul into his the most. I just love him and I hope you all do too when you read Zamora.