Book Review: The Red Pyramid by: Rick Riordan
So for this post I've decided to just write down the synopsis from the back of the book because it's hard describing this book in my own...

Journaling Prompt
What is your favorite flower and why?

Book Review: The 100 by Kass Morgan
Today I just finished reading The 100 and I actually really loved it. Here is the summary in my own words. The 100 is by author Kass...

Book Cover and Title Reveal!!!
Hey guys today is the day that I am revealing the cover and title of my book. The title of the book is Discover the You Within and it's...

Journaling Prompt #4
Remember that journaling is another way to take time for yourself and it allows yourself to slow down. What does the word love mean to...

Ireland: Original Song
This is an original song that I wrote just a couple days ago so it's still brand new and I just post this video on my youtube channel...

JSS An Original Song
This is a song I wrote a few months ago and thought that I would share it! It's called JSS and it's based off of The Walking Dead! And...

Journaling Prompt #3
Today's Journaling Prompt is.... What is your favorite author and why??? What is your favorite book from them? Now go and write!!!!!!...

Journaling Prompt #2
Hello I hope you're having a wonderful day. Today's prompt is actually from a movie I saw recently with my Dad and that movie is one of...

Original Book Tag: The Pirates of the Caribbean Tag!!
Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho, It's a pirates life for me... Hello! In honor of Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead Man Tells No Tails (one of my all time...