June Reads/ TBR
This isn't the order that i'll read them in and my reading moods may change because I like to read what I feel like when I feel like it....
Journal Prompt
Today I thought I would share a journaling prompt to help inspire people to write a little today. So, here you go and this is one of my...

Zamora Writing Update #2
Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a wonderful day!! :) So with my book Zamora I just wanted to do a little update for you. I'm...

I am now on BookTube at Alexandria'sSanctuaryLibrary
I have joined BookTube because I wanted to share my love for books and it's something i'v wanted to do for years. But I did start my...

Zamora writing update!!!
Welcome to my first writing update on my blog!! I've been working really hard on my fourth draft of my book Zamora which is the first in...

Beastly by Alex Flinn
This is not a book that came out recently, it came out in 2011 but I still love this book so much and the movie adaptation was alright,...

Legion t.v. show review Episode One
The first episode that I watched of this last night was very interesting and it intrigued me quite a bit. Although it was hard to follow...

The Walking Dead 7B Review #1Rocky Road
It feels sooo darn good to have this show back on because for me at least my Sunday night's are back to normal. Last nights episode was...

The Walking Dead Season 7A Review
Ok so I don't think that I need to explain what happened this first half of the season because I don't want to spoil anyone who is not...

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, John, Tiffany, and Jack Thorn
This is the eight story 19 years later in the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. This is the script book for the play and it is...