Original Book Tag: The Pirates of the Caribbean Tag!!

Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho, It's a pirates life for me...
Hello! In honor of Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead Man Tells No Tails (one of my all time favorite movies series, it's right next to Harry Potter) I have created a book tag and I will be making a video and posting it on both my booktube channel and on this post as well. But I wanted to write it first. You have to answer the questions using only books.
Question #1: If you could only take with you one book for the next cruise you go on which on would you take?
Answer: I would take Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins because it is a fun and quick read. And it's also just very cute and romantic, for me perfect for a summer cruise.
Quiestion #2: If you were stranded on an Island, which character would you want there to keep you company?
Answer: Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead, because he knows about survival and he would is someone I know I could trust.
Question #3: Dead Man Tells No Tails! Which book do you wish did not tell a certain tail?
Answer: The Walking Dead because there are certain tails within the story between characters and sometimes certain characters themselves that I wish I didn't have to know about or wish didn't happen.
Question #4: If you were the Captain of the Black Pearl, who would be your shipmates?
Answer: Percy Jackson, Grover, and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series, Carter and Sadie from The Kane Chronicles, Fred and George from Harry Potter, Garren from I Am Mercy, Pipin and Marry and Aragorn and Legolas from The Lord of the Rings series. I went with these characters because I know these are people that I could trust to get things done when they needed to be and to have a jolly good time when we can.
Question #5: Who is the Will to your Elizabeth heart? In other words, who is your book boyfriend pirate? RRRgggg!!
Answer: Legolas, yes, he's played by the same actor as Will but, oh Legolas, you can't go wrong with a hot elf like him!! :)
Well, there go!! You can do this tag whoever is reading this if you want to! I came up with this because I have been soooo excited for the 5th movie to come out and also I think Dead Man Tells No Tails is my favorite title of them.