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Zamora writing update!!!

Welcome to my first writing update on my blog!! I've been working really hard on my fourth draft of my book Zamora which is the first in my Element Hunter series and I can say now that I am getting to the end and it feels so good to see the finish line. I want to share a little paragraph but I'm not going to. In the next I am going to share my writing playlist that I made for this novel on Spotify. But for now I will just share the page count and word count with you.

Page Count: 106

Word Count: 57,630

I will say though that my favorite scene that I have written will be in Chapter 18 and I am hoping to finish the book this weekend. That's all for now but I hope you have a great day and I also hope to feel better soon because I've been so sick along with my family. Have a great weekend and keep writing, be kind to one another and stay safe as well. :)

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