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My farewell to Carl Grimes on The Walking Dead! And the reason i still write everyday!

Photos belong to photographer: Top photo Carl from Season 8, bottom photo Carl from Season 1. He's soo small in the first photo!! I was that small when i started watching the show!! :) :(

Hi everyone, today i just wanted to say my own farewell to my favorite character from my favorite t.v. show The Walking Dead's Carl Grimes, played by Chandler Riggs. Carl Grimes has been one of my favorite characters and a big inspiration to be since the beginning of the show. I have been with this show since day one, and i will not stop watching this show, just because they killed Carl. I won't stop watching because i'm too far in and too invested in this show. It is the main reason why i'm still writing and telling stories even though they're not publish ready. Carl Grimes has been like Harry Potter to me, i grew up with Carl. And at certain times in the past 8 years i felt like him along with the rest of the characters of the show have been my only friends and the only reason that i could get through each week in high school. I'm always eager when the show is on to see if my 'friends' are ok. And yes, i call these characters my friends and sometimes i call they are also like another family. The cast of this show seem sooo wonderful and i hope that i can meet everyone that's ever been on one day. Because with Chandler Riggs, Andrew Linkcoln, Norman Reedes, Jeffry Dean Morgan, Lauren Cohen, and the rest of the cast who have inspired me each week with their acting, their story telling, i wouldn't still be a writer. I have almost quite writing which is still hard for me to admit since writing and story telling are my passions but, this show each week and these characters, they help remind me that i am a story teller. And with Chandler Riggs's character Carl, i feel like i have realized that statement in times when i feel like i'm ready to give up writing but this show alone, has taught me how to stay strong, loyal, and how to stay moral even in situations like Glenn Rhee has been in gets hard. I am a story teller at heart. And one thing they always say, is 'Don't mess with writers or they'll put you in their books.' that is a true statement. But getting back to Carl Grimes. I cried so much during that episode because they dragged it on for so long since they were giving all the other characters a chance to say goodbye to Carl Grimes. I will still be watching the show even though half of my favorite characters are gone. Because i am a huge fan of this show and i find it quite stupid seeing people everywhere online saying that 'oh they're killing off Glenn so i'm going to stop watching this' or 'Well, this is my last episode that i'm watching good luck to the rest of ya.' or some friends who watched seasons one through four have gone 'Well, after they killed Dale, or Beth, or Hershel i stopped watching the show, also i think it's boring. But i'm still a fan.' You can't call yourself a fan if you say you've stopped watching during season two or four. I can call myself a fan because even though i know it will be hard to keep watching without Carl, Glenn, Abraham, Beth, Hershall, Dale, i keep watching. Because they're fingerprints are all over this show in every scene. In every character. Let me ask, because i know a lot of people are fans of the show 'The Office' if you stopped watching in season 2 just because some happened and you didn't like, would you call yourself a true fan. Probably not. I've had soo many people in this type of situation and i just am kind of done seeing all the comments and hearing people go 'I'm not watching The Walking Dead anymore just because they killed Carl Grimes.' If it was something you loved for a long period of time and your deciding to quite now, how does that make you look. And why do you keep watching something that you don't like, don't bash it out online because your hurting the people making the and besides you make yourself look bad online too. And I've dealt with some people and have tried to defend the show. If you don't like something, stop watching or reading it, that simple.

Yes, i am sad to see Chandler Riggs/Carl Grimes leave the show, but, i'm excited to see where his career takes him and to see what else he has for us his fans. I did cry myself to sleep after crying for the length of the episode and the after show with Chris Hardwick. Thank you Chandler Riggs even though i know you'll probably never read this, but thank you for being Carl and for being a huge inspiration for me to continue telling stories. I hope everyone has a lovely day. And this is my farewell to Carl Grimes.

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