January Writing Update 2018!
So i filmed a video for this today which is above here but i wanted to put it in writing as well. So this month i did do quite a bit with my writing. I wrote about 12 poems and i dedicated one of my notebooks i wasn't really using before to my poetry and i carry that around with me no a days. And i finished part 3 in my short story that's apart of my Anthology called Forgetting You and that short story is called The Couphlin and Guinness Trip. And shortly after i finished that i decided to start the next short story. Then i finished typing up everything i had written so far from Zamora and i even wrote quite a few more chapters on my laptop, but when i was at school earlier this week i wanted to write more of Zamora so i decided to pick up where i left off on my laptop and continue with it by handwriting it because handwriting really helps me to get the story flowing a lot easier. And i think that's it for this blog post. I hope you guys have a lovely weekend and a good rest of the month! :)