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I'm publishing a poetry book!!

Hey everyone, so today is the first day of the 12 day countdown to both Christmas as well as my very first poetry book called Dimension's release date. Dimension is the title of one of the poems and it's about 30 poems in total but i also have a title page and dedication page that makes it 31 or 32 pages. I've been working on poetry since the beginning of my first semester of college that i just finished this week and I've been very proud of what I've written so i thought i would share them. I was going to do videos counting down the days till Dimension comes out but i thought it would be easier doing a blog post. I also having posted in a long while manly because of school so i thought now would a good time as any to work on blogging more. And today i just wanted to talk about what the poetry book is about. Most poems are my perspective on books, movies, and t.v. shows that i like. And other's are about my anxiety and feeling lonely at times. Lately I've been inspired by Youtuber and self-published author herself Juliana Mae who writes poetry and shares hers on her channel as well. I've always loved poetry but i feel like i have to work harder on mine more than others because that was the one genre of writing that i didn't fully understand or no how to write very well. So that's what I've been doing on my free time. I don't get ideas everyday but when i do i try my best to write them down. I hope you all enjoy each poem. It is up for pre-order on Amazon Kindle for $0.99 and is coming out on Christmas day which is December 25th, 2017. I'm also currently working on a second poetry book as well and will release the title soon although i may already have on my main YouTube Channel Princess Lyssa!! :) Hope you all have a good Friday!! :) And thank you for reading!! :)

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